Feedback/Suggestions on completion of this year

Dear Professionals,

I started writing this blog more than a year ago. The purpose of this blog was to help the people with day to day coding in WebFOCUS. I also use the codes for my reference as well. Whenever I put some effort to resolve a problem or find some solution, and I feel it could be used in future also either by myself or it can benefit to others, I share it on this blog.

As we all know feedback is always a good motivation. I request all of you to please share your feedback/ suggestions on the same if you have any. If you want me to share on some specific topic or some common issue. Is it really helping you? If not? What else we can do to make it helpful?

If you have something to share, send it to my mail id I'll publish it over there with your name as presenter. I long run, this can become a place where you can find code for most of your day to day solutions.

In last 6-8 months, I started liking WebFOCUS 8 version (initially I found it horrible). With the great flexibility, security and reliability, we will see a good growth in WebFOCUS market(after promising WebFOCUS 8).

Also after a fulfilling year 2015, New Year is just ahead of us. New Year is the time when, all your hopes are new, so are your aspiration, new are your resolutions and new are your spirits… so here’s wishing everyone a very promising, fulfilling and a very happy New Year 2016!!!

