IBI WebFOCUS - Formatting and aligining Across values in PDF output
Dear Developers, Recently I was working on a simple report using across. We had to justify values and data to right. It worked fine in HTML but when I generate the report in PDF, the issue I was facing is with the alignment. The data doesn't seems to appear properly aligned. Please look at the screenshot: Initially it looked very simple but when I started looking for the alignment, it took pretty much of my time. So I thought it is worth sharing with all of you. Below is the sample code using CAR file: TABLE FILE CAR SUM SALES/D12.1 AS '' BY COUNTRY AS '' ACROSS CAR AS '' ON TABLE PCHOLD FORMAT PDF ON TABLE SET PAGE-NUM OFF ON TABLE SET STYLE * TYPE=REPORT,GRID=ON,SQUEEZE=ON, SIZE=7,$ TYPE=ACROSSVALUE,BACKCOLOR = GREY,COLOR=WHITE,STYLE=BOLD, JUSTIFY=RIGHT,WRAP=0.60,$ TYPE=REPORT,ACROSSCOLUMN=SALES,JUSTIFY=RIGHT,$ TYPE =ACROSSTITLE, BACKCOLOR = GREY,$ ENDSTYLE END And Screen shot of the output: Please share your ...