We do create lot many report and many of them do have Subtotals and Grand total. Subtotals are mainly required in Sales, finance & accounting and in most of the reports where there are more factual data in the report. Surprisingly we always gets confused about the difference between SUB-TOTAL and SUBTOTAL & SUMMARIZE and RECOMPUTE. Now lets see what is the differences in between these: SUB-TOTAL and SUBTOTAL: 1) You can use the SUBTOTAL and SUB-TOTAL commands to sum individual values, such as columns of numbers, each time a named sort field changes value. 2) SUB-TOTAL displays a subtotal for all numeric values when the sort field changes value, and for any higher-level sort fields when their values change. 3) SUBTOTAL displays a subtotal only when the specified sort field changes value. It does not give subtotals for higher-level fields. 4) Both SUB-TOTAL and SUBTOTAL produce grand totals. You can suppress grand totals using the NOTOTAL command. ...