
Showing posts from February, 2015


We do create lot many report and many of them do have Subtotals and Grand total. Subtotals are mainly required in Sales, finance & accounting and in most of the reports where there are more factual data in the report. Surprisingly we always gets confused about the difference between SUB-TOTAL and SUBTOTAL & SUMMARIZE and RECOMPUTE. Now lets see what is the differences in between these: SUB-TOTAL and SUBTOTAL: 1) You can use the SUBTOTAL and SUB-TOTAL commands to sum individual values, such as columns of numbers, each time a named sort field changes value.  2) SUB-TOTAL displays a subtotal for all numeric values when the sort field changes value, and for any higher-level sort fields when their values change.  3) SUBTOTAL displays a subtotal only when the specified sort field changes value. It does not give subtotals for higher-level fields.  4) Both SUB-TOTAL and SUBTOTAL produce grand totals. You can suppress grand totals using the NOTOTAL command.   ...

IBI WebFOCUS - Formatting Graphs using reusable fex file and stylesheet

Some times while creating a graph using web focus code we face problems in formatting the graph. For example – graph title, Font size, font name, Y-axis title, legend position, label rotation etc. To save the time in searching these things the below codes will be very useful. We just need to set the values as we want in the graph in set_values.fex and we can include the  set_values.fex  file to the fex file in our code before GRAPH FILE FILENAME command. And second fex reuse.fex we need to include after ON GRAPH SET GRAPHSTYLE * command (you can also put the reuse.fex codes to reuse.sty and include it at the same position). Code for set_values.fex: -*Set the value for the graph Title -DEFAULT &GRAPH_NAME='XYZ'; -*Set the value for X-axis Title -DEFAULT &O1_TITLE='ABC'; -*Set the value for Y1-Axis title -DEFAULT &Y1_TITLE='ABC'; -*Set the font Name for X-axis -DEFAULT &O1_label_n='Arial'; -*Set the font Size for X-...