IBI WebFOCUS - Calculation or re- computation at Subtotal and Subfoot using RECAP
In my Recent project, I had a requirement where I had to show subtotal based on the selection from launch page. And the Sub Total had both total as well as %'s to display. The percentage was nothing but for example. 100*Sum(Column A)/Sum(Column B). I thought to share this with all of you since it can be reused for similar requirement and can help others to save lot of time. This situation could have handled by using RECOMPUTE (ON TABLE RECOMPUTE "OR" ON SORT_COLUMN RECOMPUTE) concept. However there were some challenges with that. 1) First issue was when we do RECOMPUTE all the numeric columns will get RECOMPUTEd. So if RECOMPUTE is needed to only selected columns, all other should be changed to alpha format. That is not a feasible approach according to me. 2) If all alpha columns in the report are not sorted, Sub Total row will be coming in 2 rows. That is another issue. So to avoid RECOMPUTE and use SUBFOOT (which I prefer most because of it's flexibili...