
Showing posts from November, 2014

IBI WebFOCUS - report column sorting using javascript

In our day to day reporting projects, we might get some requirement where we need to give column sorting on the reports. Traditional method is to give the recursive drill down on the title. In that case clicking on the drilldown will open the same .fex file with some parameters to identify sort logic and we get the sort logic done. The below code does the same thing without reloading the report page. In the .fex file we use javascript code for sorting without reloading the entire page: -* File test_sort.fex -SET &ECHO=ALL; -******************************************for sorting****************************************************************** -DEFAULT &sort_col = 'COUNTRY' ; -DEFAULT &sort_type = 0 ; -SET &sort = IF &sort_type EQ 1 THEN 'LOWEST' ELSE IF &sort_type EQ 2 THEN 'HIGHEST' ELSE '' ; -DEFAULT &sort_col1 = 'COUNTRY' ; -DEFAULT &sort_type1 = 0 ; -SET &sort1 = IF &sort_type1 EQ...

IBI WebFOCUS - Architecture

Architecture of WebFOCUS: WebFOCUS unobtrusively integrates into your existing network by connecting your Web server to your data. End users access WebFOCUS applications through a Web browser, so they need only the following elements: Web browser. To access WebFOCUS applications, users simply need a browser and a TCP/IP connection to a Web server. Web server. Web servers handle requests by returning files to a browser or by executing processes that provide additional functionality. You can provide WebFOCUS functionality by connecting to the Web server using either the Java servlets, CGI, or ISAPI. Data. WebFOCUS can access data from almost anywhere. Once data access has been configured and your data is described, reporting on it is simple. WebFOCUS Components There are two main WebFOCUS components. WebFOCUS Client. The WebFOCUS Client resides on the Web server and connects WebFOCUS to the Web through either the Java servlets, CGI, or ISAPI. When a user makes a r...